//See also [[UW|University of Washington Iron Front]]// ===== Seattle Iron Front ===== ====Public Comment and Actions ==== ^ Venue Date & Time of Official Record ^ Summary ^ Status on the Public Agenda ^ | Seattle City council 25th June | Chinese, Jewish, and local indigenous communities should adopt a [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jaredscribe/Sinology#Pan-Asian_Lunisolar_Calendar|Pan-Asian Lunisolar calendar]], the city and state should follow the lead of Israel, Taiwan, and PRC in making it a second official calendar in addition to the Gregorian. This will promote better mental health outcomes, racial justice and reconciliational, international cultural exchange, and world peace. | | | [[https://www.seattlechannel.org/videos?videoid=x157372|Seattle City council 18th June]] 18:51 | Today is the 13th day of the 五月; wǔyuè; 'fifth month' of the [[wp>lunisolar calendar|lunisolar]] [[wp>Chinese calendar]]. It is also 13th of Sivan, the third month in the lunisolar [[wp>Hebrew calendar]] and [[wp>Babylonian calendar]]. The staff union of the Chinatown [[http://WingLuck.org]] Museum would learn from the Jews and from the nation of Israel, if it truly cared about national liberation from western and Roman imperialism, instead of going on strike against [[https://confrontinghatetogether.my.canva.site/|Confronting Hate Together]] exhibit, shutting the museum down for three weeks, and ignorantly declaring that "there is no place for zionism" in their "solidarity movement". | | | [[https://www.seattlechannel.org/videos?videoid=x157290|Seattle City council 10th June]] 24:53 | Wishing Jewish community a happy Pentecost, land acknowledgement, commentary on mental health policy | | | ==== Redlined Neighborhoods ==== * Chinese, Black, and Jewish neighborhoods were redlined, but no mention of this on wikipedia's article: [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Seattle]] * [[https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/8GbScY1PhBmkC|Confronting Hate Together Exhibit panels]] * [[https://confrontinghatetogether.my.canva.site/|Confronting Hate Together Canvas]] * [[https://www.seattletimes.com/life/culture/wing-luke-museum-closes-after-staff-walk-out-over-an-exhibit/|26 Staff walkout of Wing Luke museum on 22nd May]] * [[https://www.wsjhs.org/file_download/inline/0224b1d1-8c30-4b55-9ac4-dc81e14dd499|WSJHS Statement 24th May]] * [[https://www.wingluke.org/|WingLuke.org - 30th May and 31st May statement]] * [[https://www.wsjhs.org/file_download/inline/e4da6549-3474-4874-9713-e51fde7baff4|Joint Statement 30th May]] * [[https://www.instagram.com/p/C7VICM9vsCv/?img_index=4|WLM4Palestine objects to Exhibit panel on Antizionism as anti-Semitism]] * [[https://www.jewishinseattle.org/a-message-from-your-federation-ceo-luke-wing-museum-amp-conversations-with-uw-leadership/|31st May Jewish Federation message]]